What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert.
Keyword Researcher – SEO Software Finds Long Tail Keywords PLUS You Tube Video Embeder
Posted on September 17, 2018 by burtkauf

Clever Plugins Research Tool
Keyword Researcher – SEO Software Finds Long Tail Keywords A Software Application That Helps You Discover Long Tail Keywords. Organize Your Keywords. Import Csv Files From The Google Keyword Tool. Write Web Content. And, Plan A Web-content Strategy For Your Website. Watch Our Video Now! |

Clever Plugins Research Tool

video converter

clever you tube plugin Posted in Convert, Videos, Youtube | Tagged convert, keywords, long tail, researcher, videos, youtube | Comments Off on Keyword Researcher – SEO Software Finds Long Tail Keywords PLUS You Tube Video Embeder
Is Your Website Optimized and Googlized?
Posted on April 2, 2015 by burtkauf
DINOSAURS ARE BACK…and they’re using Coupons! Now They Wont Go Extinct ! |
Rating: out of 5 based on ratings Is Your Website Optimized and Googlized? COUPON COUNTRY Top Rated 7-in-1 Marketing 1-888-4-A-COUPON 925-284-7168 LOCAL , TARGETED ADVERTISING LIKE THIS from $47/mo. Call 925-284-7168 or visit CouponCountry.us, or better Get Googlized, too!COUPON COUNTRY Top Rated 7-in-1 Marketing 1-888-4-A-COUPON 925-284-7168 Is Your Website Optimized and Googlized? |
Posted in googlized websites, optimized websites, Uncategorized | Tagged . googlized website, construction bay area, coupon, coupons, diligent service, dinosaurs, fence repair, free estimates, gutter cleaning, handyman service, is your website optimized and googlized, kitchen remodel, marketing, nbsp, optimized website, plumbing fixtures, targeted advertising, tile repair, tv wall, website googlized, website optimized, window trim | Comments Off on Is Your Website Optimized and Googlized?
WORDPRESS WEBSITES – State of Art, Affordable, Optimized WordPress Websites $99
Posted on November 10, 2011 by burtkauf
This is an example of a famous WORDPRESS WEBSITE. A similar one can be yours, along with FIRST PAGE GOOGLE RANKING for only $99 plus $99/month for our 24/7 6-in-1 SEO Optimization Package to keep it there on front pages ; this includes email blasts and text blasts to our exclusive lists of buyers that we’ve painstakingly been building these past years and muchmore.
Next month we’ll be offering these actual state – of – art Google-favored WordPress websites, fully optimized , similarto but more extensive than the integrated wordpress webpages we’ve been offering at similar pricing – ONLY $99 (1x fee) plus all the latest SEO bells and whistles (Ping, Blast and Syndicate) PLUS weekly Email blasts and Text blasts and monthly updates to your websites, as needed with our popular 6-in-1 package – only $99/month!
WORDPRESS WEBSITES – Now Offering State of Art, Affordable, Optimized WordPress Websites
A key benefit is that you will not be sharing the Google ‘link juice’ (as it’s known) so you will have more pull with Google and higher Google and search engine placement and on more and different searches. Also, there will be not one blog post but space now for many posts and pages, whereby we can add more keywords(!) so people can find you with more, different search terms… You should see a definite effect within days once your own website is up and running, plus we’ll allow you to make additional posts (i.e. more space!) per month, e.g. an extra post or page. The final thing that is really the clincher is that we will give you your own domain name (your choice) as available. The right words – we’ll help you with this – can really skyrocket your business …
Your own professional, optimized website for only $99, a fraction of the the normal going rate for all the SEO services we’re providing including our 6-in-1- package of Email blasts and Text Blasts, Social , Mobile media, Apps, and more , PLUS helping you build YOUR OWN NEW SUBSCRIBER LIST (new subscribers are key as they will become your future customers – ALL for only $99 per month! (Other website builders charge updwards of $1,000 or more and don’t include all the services/techniques we use. YOU CAN GET A JUMP and RESERVE SPACE NOW AS WE WILL PROBABLY HAVE A BACKLOG NEXT MONTH SETTING UP SITES. Call Today (925)284-7168 or email [email protected] OR:
Top-Rated ADVERTISING – The Complete 6-in-1 Package – only $99/mo. ($1,000+ value) including:
1)___FREE OPTIMIZED WEBSITE (SEO ) INTERNET ADVERTISING (Value: $99/mo.) – Combines the #1marketing platform
today with ever-popular coupons (think GROUPON – only without the
fees) Included FREE with DIRECT MAIL (above. Most SEO (Search Engine
Optimization) consultants charge $1,000 . (YellowPagesCoupons.net or BayAreaCoupons.info)
2)___FREE TEXT MARKETING (value $99./mo.) – The new, powerful and growing ad medium boasts a 97% readership, destined to become the new email advertising, only more successful (email has only 1-10% readership) very soon. Note the growing number of 5 or 6-digit ‘short codes’ and QR bar codes on print ads and signs. People are in contact with their cell phones virtually 24/7 giving text marketing the most captive audience of all media
3)___ FREE EMAIL Blasts ($99. VALUE/ mo.) – Opt-in email is stil one of the most popular ad media. No, it’s not spam email. We’ve built (and still building) a list of thousands of receptive coupon users. We blast your coupon/message 2-4x per month – how can you go wrong for FREE, let alone $99 to reach permission-based email prospects?
4)___ FREE MOBILE Marketing – Along with Text Marketing, it’s the new big thing. By next year it is expected that more people will be shopping from their cell phones than from their PCs. And mobile buyers spend 3x as much as do PC users, according to recent Neilson study. Our websites and your Web Pages are OPTIMIZED for cell phone use.
5)___ FREE Mobile Apps Coupon
Country / BayAreaCoupons.info/YellowPagesCoupons.net has a new apps .
Cell phone users upload our mobile-friendly apps to access your web
pages for instant, frequent shopping from their phones . We can also
design an individual app for a nominal charge.
___ FREE FACEBOOK / Social Media
– Some call Facebook and Twitter the ‘new email’. It any case, it’s a
market not to be missed for business. We’ve got popular pages and app
for this, too where we can include you, or set you up with your own
facebook or twitter page
Don’t Be Left Behind. Call Your Friendly 1-Stop-Cost-Effective Marketing Comoany: 1-888-422-6876
Call (925)284-7168 or Reserve Space Online at:
or Fill in form at bottom of this page by first, clicking it to enlarge and print , then filling it out and faxing back to 925-283-8035
OPTION #7 – ADD DIRECT MAIL MAILER TO 10,000 ADDRESSES OF CHOICE – for only $398. (including postage, printing and everything) and get the above other 6 Internet Platforms FREE! http://couponcountry.com/pages/reserve.html
___ DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING (Coupon Country) –
The 2nd most popular ad medium targets your specific
geographical/demographical markets with low-cost, targeted mailer
(Coupon Country). Includes everything (design, printing and
postage) for less than 2c per home. BONUS: All other media platforms
INCLUDED FREE – see below – a $1,000 plus value when you do one or more
mailings (Click below several times to enlarge and print):
Advertising Packages – Choose 1 |
http://couponcountry.com/pages/reserve.html or
Your Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Message
TOP ADVERTISING CHOICES – Internet – Email Marketing , Website Development, Text Marketing
In its 2010 study, we learned that Internet Marketing has replaced the old, traditional print (newspaper and phone book ) along with broadcast TV and radio , as the top ad media of choice by business and consumer alike – and more cost-effective (Ad-ology) , which continues to today (SEE VIDEO , above).
Ping, Blast and Syndicate.
That’s how we get your business on 1st Page Google and other Search Engines. Everyday we PING your web page (included) to hundreds of Top Directories, BLAST your article to dozens more and SYNDICATE to Top 2.0 Websites, thereby acquiring DOZENS of instant backlinks, most critical to Google’s algorithms and search engine placement. Other Internet Ad consultants use maybe one or two of the above techniques and charge upwards of $1,000. We do all this for only $50 (reg. $99) a month (or FREEwith our cost-effective Coupon Country recession-fighting mailers.) RESERVE for next mailers – ask about our recession special intro rate of less than 2c per home! 925.284.7168. http://www.couponcountry.com/pages/reserve.html
925-788-3316 (BONUS: Just mention ‘Text and Email marketing’ & we’ll throw those in free, too–another $100 value!
Advertising Packages – Choose 1 |